
Loan notes and convertible loan notes

Sun 10 December 2023 Loan notes and convertible loan notes

Loan notes are a type of debt instrument that allows companies to raise capital from investors. They are essentially promissory notes that pledge the company to repay the investor with interest at a specified maturity date. Loan notes can be secured or unsecured, and they can have varying interest rates and repayment terms.

Convertible loan notes

Convertible loan notes (CLNs) can be converted into shares of the company at a specified price. This means that investors have the option to convert their debt into equity if the company's value increases or even as a way to possibly gain control of the company for their own benefit.

Non-convertible loan notes

Non-convertible loan notes are loan notes that do not have the option to be converted into shares. These notes are typically used for more established companies that are not seeking to raise equity capital.

Use of loan notes in UK private companies

Loan notes are a popular financing tool for UK private companies. They are often used to:

Why Convertible loan notes are popular

Convertible loan notes are versatile and can often be relatively quickly finalised,  and a way for early stage, high growth businesses to raise capital before their initial round of equity financing (seed or series A).  On the face of it, convertible loan notes seem a good option for founders because they are not immediately diluted in terms of equity.

Investors also like convertible loan notes because where conversion takes place on the next round of funding there is normally a discount which can be 10-20% or more on the price which other new shareholders will pay.

Convertible loan notes create risks for existing shareholders

The use of convertible loan notes can pose big risks for existing shareholders. These risks include:

Additional rights the lender investor may demand which can be dangerous traps

Everything is negotiable with loan notes and this is a good reason why it’s so important to have experienced lawyers representing you.

 Expect that you may be presented with an offer and legal documents which may include some or all of the following enhanced rights (or redemption triggers with penalties if there is any breach) :-

Legal guidance from solicitors.
Legal 500
Law Society Personal Injury
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The British Conveyancing Awards - Mustafa Hassan
The British Conveyancing Awards - Louise James
Legal 500
Law Society Personal Injury
Modern law awards winner 2023
Law Society Conveyancing Quality
The British Conveyancing Awards - Mustafa Hassan
The British Conveyancing Awards - Louise James
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