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Architect negligence claims

Home Professional Negligence Architect negligence

Solicitors for architect negligence claims

Our specialist professional negligence lawyers have a successful track record representing clients in legal claims against accountants.

Our experience means we can quickly identify your prospects of success and decide whether we can offer you no win no fee representation.

Alternatively, you may have Legal Expense Insurance which will cover your legal fees. The costs are something we explain in full so there are no surprises for you.

Claims against a negligent architect

Most of us only encounter architects when we are building or extending a property, residential or commercial. We rely on their expertise in relation to the construction work, the planning and design, the obtaining of planning permission and the supervision and administration of the overall works. Like other professionals, architects owe a duty of care when undertaking the work. If they make a mistake and are negligent, this may give rise to a loss to you which means you could have a claim for professional negligence against them. In addition, they are members of a professional body, Architects Registration Board (ARD).

Examples of  architect negligence

  • Failing to properly prepare plans and specifications.

  • Failing to obtain planning permission.

  • Failing to properly supervise the works on site.

  • Approving and certifying works which are not at the requisite standard.

  • Failing to ensure the works correspond to the drawings/plans and specifications.

  • Approving and certifying works which do not correspond to the drawings/plans and specifications.

These are just a few of the more common types. Each case will turn on its own facts.

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9am to 5pm

020 3540 4444

Key contact

Margaret Young

Partner - Head of Professional Negligence

Margaret is Head of Professional Negligence.She has practiced as a specialist civil and commercial litigation solicitor for over 30 years.During her career she has practised at some of the largest law firms and also worke......

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020 3540 4444