
Taylor Rose MW Work Experience Programme 2023


Recruitment Manager

Fri 25 August 2023 Taylor Rose MW Work Experience Programme 2023

Taylor Rose MW successfully launched our 2023 Work Experience Programme, and what a success!

Work Experience Placements are no longer mandatory within Schools, so it rests on students to gain valuable work experience and seek local placements within their chosen career choices. Within Universities, there is more support through networking with local employers to work in partnership to offer placements to students who very soon will be joining the highly competitive job market.

Since the pandemic, such opportunities simply vanished, and slowly employers, students, Schools and Universities are working together to offer such potentially career changing opportunities. In fact, students who have completed a work placement are 50% more likely to secure paid employment before they Graduate, compared with an 11% who had not secured a placement.

Taylor Rose MW are proud to support and encourage students to gain an insight into the Law Sector, whether as a Solicitor or within the Operational and Support Teams. We have successfully secured 43 placements in 2023, with students working within all areas of Law including: drafting notes,assisting in researchand even shadowing a Solicitor in court.

We have been able to offer places to students interested in IT, HR and Marketing, spending five to ten days working within the teams, attending interviews and assisting with PC Builds. 

We are grateful to all our colleagues who shared their career experiences and expertise with all of the students and we look forward to launching the next Work Experience Programme in early 2024. As a business we believe that it is valuable engaging with the talent of the future, to give our colleagues wider experiences in developing and nurturing future talent, whilst honouring our true values as a business. 

From us in the recruitment team and everyone at Taylor Rose MW, we want to say thank you for choosing us to conduct your placement.

Here’s what some of our students said about their experience:

Student 1 - "I loved getting to know the operations department, sorting through mail and focusing closely on delivering and handling it to the right people. I learnt a lot about document control and client privacy as well as how so many cases are handled. I also very much enjoyed listening in on incoming calls from people who needed advice or wanted to get in touch with a specific department. It was really interesting to get an insight into the Law firm experience and how vital every step of the process is."

Student 2 - "I strongly agree and believe that this work experience helped me improve my team work skills, working closely with the incredible document control team really helped me work as a collective group and improved my confidence as by the end, I wasn’t afraid to ask for help! I think this experience also helped me in developing close attention to detail skills, making sure each document was handled thoroughly."

Student 3 - "The work experience placement was very engaging because it involved me reviewing as well as being involved with first hand criminal cases that broadened my knowledge around what law is like as well as consolidated any questions or misconceptions I had."

Student 4 - "Skills I utilised whilst on my placement were:

  1. Teamwork- during my placement, I noticed that tasks were rarely completed solely by one person: people would ask others for advice, which meant that every job was completed successfully.
  2. Time management - every task has a due date, meaning that staff must keep on top of their work which seemed to be done successfully all the time I was on my placement."

Student 5- "I enjoyed gaining the experience of working in a fast paced environment in the office at Carter Lane. I also enjoyed gaining insight into an area of work which I had previously little knowledge of, that being Conveyancing. I enjoyed the tasks assigned to me and the independence granted which made me feel as though I was one with the firm."   

Legal guidance from solicitors.
Legal 500
Law Society Personal Injury
Modern law awards winner 2023
Law Society Conveyancing Quality
The British Conveyancing Awards - Mustafa Hassan
The British Conveyancing Awards - Louise James
Legal 500
Law Society Personal Injury
Modern law awards winner 2023
Law Society Conveyancing Quality
The British Conveyancing Awards - Mustafa Hassan
The British Conveyancing Awards - Louise James
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