
Bellamy Forde Becomes Director of Dispute Resolution.

Wed 7 December 2022 Bellamy Forde Becomes Director of Dispute Resolution.

Taylor Rose MW is delighted to announce Bellamy Forde as our newly appointed Director of Dispute Resolution.

Bellamy Forde joined Mcmillan Williams in October 2012, prior to its consolidation with Taylor Rose TTKW in February 2021, making this year his 10th year with the firm. Before joining Taylor Rose MW, Bellamy was previously head of the civil liberties, human rights and discrimination legal team at a Boutique firm in Central London, before this he had a similar role at the firm he trained at.

Bellamy is of Caribbean heritage, both of his parents coming from Barbados. His father (who died in 2016) arrived in the UK aged 23 in March 1954 and his mother arrived 6 years later, aged 18. He grew up on what was at the time, the largest housing estate in North London, Chalkhill Estate in Wembley. Due to social issues, the estate was demolished and replaced, and his family moved a short distance away.

Bellamy obtained a scholarship to Mill Hill School, a fee-paying school where he was a boarder. He studied sciences at undergraduate level before later undertaking the Common Professional Exam (CPE now GDL) at the College of Law having first worked in commerce for a number of years post-graduation. 


Q: How does it feel to be appointed director?

Commenting, Bellamy said: “I am still coming to terms with the fact that I have been appointed. Naturally, I am proud of the achievement and pleased that I am being tasked with a key role within the firm as it enters an exciting but also challenging phase of its development and growth.”

Q: What does this mean for the Dispute Resolution Team?

“We have experts in all fields of work: commercial disputes, clinical negligence as well as negligence claims against a wide variety of professionals. What we do needs to be supported, celebrated and publicised internally to the firm, our clients and to the wider public.

For example, in the last 3 months our clinical negligence team have obtained £30m in damages for its clients and our personal injury team £16.5m for just one of its clients. These hard-fought victories on behalf of our clients are a testament to the skill and dedication of our teams. 

Bellamy goes further to say, “What we would like to do is to build upon the solid foundations of expertise and skill that we currently have to grow what we offer even further. This will be done in an organic and sustainable way.”

Q: What do you enjoy most about your role in the firm?

Bellamy enjoys being given the opportunity to develop and build upon the excellence that we already have within the firm. As part of this process, he is arranging time to meet all his team members in the next couple of months in order to discuss the future direction of Dispute Resolution and their place within that.

Q: Which Taylor Rose MW value resonates with you the most?

Bellamy believes the Taylor Rose MW value that resonates the most with him is aspiration.

He goes on to explain his reasoning for this: “My parent’s aspiration was for me, to be afforded the opportunities that their colour and background denied them at the time they arrived in England and throughout the time that they worked.”

“They inspired me to move forwards and to try to not look back with regret. I feel that if we aspire to do a good job for our clients, benefit will follow in terms of better-quality work moving forward.

The better the input, the better the output. If we are all busy doing interesting profitable work, then it is more likely that everyone will be happy. Similarly, I feel that as a firm we should be doing all that we can to support all who we work with to meet their aspirations – this can be anything (within reason)”.

Q: What is your key to success?  

“Not to overpromise and underdeliver.”

Q: What do you find challenging about the role?  

"It’s too early to say, ask me this time next year!”


Outside of Work

Outside of work, Bellamy is a sports fanatic with a particular interest in cricket and rugby. He loves to watch live sports and would like to watch more in the near future.

He enjoys the theatre, film and has a particular interest in soul/jazz/funk and hip-hop music. He regularly attends music festivals each summer. Politics is another interest of Bellamy’s, he likes to stay up to date on recent events alongside his love for food, drink and cooking.

Q: What is one fun fact about yourself?

Bellamy is very clumsy and can be heavy handed, his dad even used to call him ‘Clumsy Joe’.

He comments, “I was asked to present an award at the recent Legal Business Awards – A black tie affair. While I was not phased about the presenting part, I was very concerned by the prospect of having to ascend a flight of stairs to get onto the stage and I fully expected to face plant while doing so. Luckily, no mishaps!”

We’d like to congratulate Bellamy on his recent appointment, one that is more than deserved. We are looking forward to seeing the development of the Dispute Resolution Team and wish you the best of luck as you begin your new role at Taylor Rose MW.

Please contact Bellamy Forde at our Fulham office on or click ‘contact us’ to email him directly. For more information regarding Bellamy and the services he brings to Taylor Rose MW, please get in touch.

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