
Corporate Q2 2021 Director Award Winner - Stephanie Bristow

Fri 15 October 2021 Corporate Q2 2021 Director Award Winner - Stephanie Bristow

We would like to Congratulate Stephanie Bristow on winning our Corporate Directors Award in our second quarter for the 2021 programme.

Stephanie is a Consultant Acquisition Manager here at Taylor Rose MW and is based within our Peterborough branch. She has experience dealing with property operations within the business as well as in business development and recruitment. Stephanie currently takes on and guides legal professionals through the process of joining our Consultant Solicitors Programme.

When asked how she felt when her name was announced as our corporate winner, Stephanie replied “it was a wonderful surprise. I was on holiday at the time and to receive a call from the managing director saying I had been nominated and had won made it the perfect end to my annual leave; I was buzzing with excitement and so appreciative for the recognition from both the business and my colleagues.”     


Stephanie has been with the firm for 9 years this month, commenting on what she enjoys most about her role, she explained she “really enjoys speaking to a variety of professionals across the different legal sectors and understanding the challenges they face. As well as building a rapport with them and getting them engaged and excited about their careers again.” She continued “it’s so gratifying to see consultants that you have taken on doing well and enjoying the firm and the programme and knowing you were a part of that.” 

When asked about the challenges she faces in her role, Stephanie said “I think the hardest part of my role is when I have a candidate that is so keen to join as a consultant but doesn’t quite meet our criteria; it’s always difficult disappointing someone.” She “usually finds the best way of dealing with this is to be friendly, honest and set expectations. Maintain the relationship by planning to keep in touch for when they are in a position where they can join.”

We asked Stephanie what she would say her key to success is, to which she answered “I think the key is to remain authentic in whatever you do. Be genuine and true to yourself in your dealings with colleagues and clients. Be passionate about continuing to improve even if it’s incrementally and accept that even failing is a learning experience.”

One tip Stephanie would like to share with her co-workers is to “keep interacting with your colleagues and other departments. You learn so much just by communicating with and being surrounded by people who have different skill sets to you.”

“The firm has helped me develop confidence and given me the opportunity to work on a variety of different projects that have helped me gain good overall working knowledge of business and legal operations. The support of my colleagues is amazing and Taylor Rose MW also supported me through my project management qualification and allowed me to make use of those skills in my day-to-day role.”

At Taylor Rose MW we like to ensure that we have brilliant people at the forefront of what we do. As one of those people, we asked Stephanie which of our values resonates with her the most and why, she responded “Commitment. It’s always an underrated quality, when you are dedicated to something - an ideal, a project - the rest will come.”

Stephanie Outside of Work

Stephanie was born in London and names her friends as the most important people in her life.

One fun fact she has shared with us about herself is that she “recently learned to swim as an adult (it’s been a long time coming!).”

Outside of work Stephanie “loves the theatre” and “enjoys seeing all the latest shows” She is “also an avid fan of pop-up events” and enjoys “spending the day roaming around London with friends.”

Now that restrictions are being lifted, Stephanie is most looking forward to travelling abroad telling us “I can safely say, I have missed my beach and city breaks!” She names Mexico as her favourite travel destination as “everyone is so friendly and they have the most amazing food and culture, Chichen Itza is well worth a visit!”

Stephanie named salted popcorn as her guilty pleasure and being “a massive space geek” names ‘The Martian’ by Andy Weir as her favourite book explaining how “It’s a great story of humour in the face of adversity.”

Describing her music taste as eclectic, Stephanie adds “but as a 90’s child nothing beats some 90’s pop, it’s so aggressively cheerful you have no choice but to join in.” Her favourite film is ‘Dark Waters’ which is “a true story about ‘David’ challenging a ‘goliath’ at great personal cost because it was the right thing to do (and winning). I love an underdog.”

We’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate Stephanie once more on her achievement whereby she “really appreciates the recognition and support of the firm and my boss over the span of my career, all my colleagues are amazing.”

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